Friday 25 September 2009


hari ini seru bgtt, gue ke rmh nya darlene diajarin bikin sushiii :D haha enak bngttt, i love susheh ! hahaha, mama nya yg ngajarin sih hehhe, hbs itu kt main gt deh ampe malem, trus kt bosen gt, dinda ajarin gue bikin gelang gt haha, gagal gue bikin nya haha aneeh, tp gpp lah, its our friendship bracelet, ada 3 warna, item, merah,kuning, the favourite coulours of the people i love :) item-dinda, merah-ada deh *G4 ,kuning-vando :DD hahaha, i love those three people hahaha, and moreee, hehe, i love all my friends :)

Wednesday 23 September 2009


i was soo tired from yesterday, my brother woke me up like 8 in the morning, and after that we straight away send my friends home, when i got home, i had to bathe and get ready to go to pim with my brothers friends, i was so bored but then darlene was going to pim, so i decided to walk around with her, then laurensia came with her "brother" ENRIIICOOOOO hhaahhaa, peace loren, after that billy and ka steven was also going to pim, so i suggested they should join ahaha, then there was michelleee, but she couldn't join cause she was about to watch a movie with her family, we went to funworld, sushi groove, a&w, food court hahaha, ka steven was addicted to PEE hahaha peace ya kaa :)i went home earlyyy :( gak seruuuu, hahaha, besok jalan lg -____- hahaha, i dont wantttt but i have to :) hahaha


ahahahaha today was a cool day haha, because it was my brothers birthdaaay :D, happy birthdaay :) haha, i went to pim with dinda and ka katwang, ka steven, ka matthew, ka sulaiman, ka haruka, kasih, ka ben, joshua (ade nya ka matthew) haha, and i forgot the rest haha, we reached there and we went to eat burger king, me and dinda could'nt eat because we ate ice cream and was sooo full, after that we watched G-FORCE, it was funny, but i already watched it and got bored, haha, after that we went to timezone to play, i was boredd as usual haha, after that they all went to my house to hang out, they all went inside my room :| except for ka ben and ka matthew and his brother because they already went home, ka katwang was like lying on the bed and my face was like infront of his foot, it smelt bad :S hahahaha, after they were all bored, ka haruka and kasih and dinda slept over, ka katwang and ka steven didn't want to, so me and dinda sent them home, otw, we were taking pictures then suddenly at the back of ka katwang was like a face of a person but there was nobody there, he got scared and started screaming " AAAAAAH SETAAAAAN AAAAAAH WAHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAH" hahahahaha me dinda and ka steven was laughing like hell,you should've been there hahahahaha, hilarious, then when we dropped of ka katwang he started dancing infront of his house hahaha, then we sent ka steven home, and when me and dinda reached my house, we watched movies until like 3 in the morning (i did, the rest slept at 5 in the morning) hahahaha it was a fun day, a day i would never forget:)

Sunday 13 September 2009


hari iniii gue diajak ke jjs festival ama ka ayumi, gue kesitu nya am ka haruka, ka ochi, ka steven, ka matthew, ka hikaru, ka kennichi, ka ayumi. disitu makanan nya mahal2 -___- hahah, gue gk makan disitu haha, bosen bngt disitu, yaudh kt smua cabut kecuali ka haruka, dia msh mau disitu, kt cabut ke bp, gue agak2 bete gt deh pas ke bp, yaudh gue nunggu aja di mobil, gue kira gk lama, ternyata 1 jam ! grrr haha gue tidur tau di mobil haha, trus hbs itu kt ke citos, smua nya pada main mt gue duduk ndiri, haha, bosn deh, trus anterin ka kennichi pulang, trus anterin ka ochi plng, trus kt ke poins square am ka steven, gue gk di bolehin turun man haha, ka steven bliin gue CALPICO ! my favourite drink haha (gak lah) trus hbs itu kt anterin ka steven plng, trus gue lgsng les, hbs itu gue bli roti di cinere mall, udh plng deh haha capeek :\, tp gpp lah, seruu (y) haha

Saturday 12 September 2009

i miss him

I MISS HIM SO MUCH ! I REGRET LOOSING YOU:'( i want to get back with youuu, im happier with you than with him, i dont know how to explain this but i just wanna say that i.... gitu deh hahahaha :P i said forever and kept that promise, haha, untk 2 bulan udh gk trus balik lg deh, give me a chance dong :'(


it was a fun daaay hahaha gue ke pim am dinda, kt ntn the grudge 3 ! serem bngt gilaa ampe gue itu jerit2 di bioskop nya hahahha, sebelum film nya kita itu lg jalan2 trus we lost track of time trus kita kea lari2 gt ke pim2 hahaha dinda kea ampe loncat2 gt hahaha, kaki nya terbaang hahaha, setelah film nya kita nungguin dante, ke a&w untk 1jaman gt trus kita jalan2 gtw kemana trus akhirnya ketemu haha kt jalan ampe jam 6an gt, seharusnya ke kff am dinda tp gk jdi deh haha trus ke rmh nya dinda haha:D

Friday 11 September 2009


huaaaaa, gara2 dinda am loren skrng gue jg pingin give up ! huhuhuhuuuu, gue udh sabarrr, tp dia msh agak..ya gt deh, i cant ask him for anything, he cant give me what i want, just let go :'( BINGUNG BNGT GUA ! grrrr gmn nih AAAAAAAA, have to move on or just keep waiting? :'( grrgrrrgrrrrr